I came
Start a Habr blog and ponder over the themes that you will cover
I told
Write about your achievements and failures, share tips and interesting stories
I impressed
Win the users’ affection and become an important part of the IT community
About project
Habr is the largest IT community. Corporate blog will grant you access to the IT audience and help become a part the community
largest Runet companies have been keeping their blogs on Habr for more than 10 years
11 000 000
unique readers monthly
companies run corporate blogs on Habr
75 %
of registered users are middle and higher grade developers
What a blog ensures
/ 01
IT specialists will get to know that your company has a friendly and modern IT team.
/ 02
Boosted IT-brand
Specialists will understand that they want to work in your company when you tell more about yourself.
/ 03
Solved HR issues
Your will receive more job application for your vacancies from the specialists you need.
How we do it
Corporate blog is a dialogue with the community. But what to talk about? We have proven ideas:
/ 01
Stories about interesting projects
/ 02
Data scientist investigations
/ 03
Tales from the IT specialists’ life
/ 04
Announcements of interesting events
/ 05
Development backstage
/ 06
Useful tutorials
We will help you launch by
We will make quantitative and qualitative review of the competitors’ blogs and a detailed report.
Giving pointers
We will examine your content plan and provide recommendations using the very first article as an illustration.
We will arrange master classes for your authors and demonstrate how to develop a blog properly.
Providing statistics
We will share all the web analytics, help monitoring company rating and its dynamics.
Corporate blogs
Corporate blogs helped these companies to become an important source of professional experience in the modern IT community. They built the right communication with the audience and participate in Habr events.
Pricing plans
We offer two pricing plans: Business and Gigant. To Gigant plan you can add a Gigant+ subscription to get access to the new Habr features.
15 tariff options
«Communication with the users» 6
«Increased awareness» 6
«Successful blog launch» 3
(services for new customers)
3 months 6 months 12 months
3 mon 6 mon 12 mon
1 additional option
«Blog development» 1
5 additional options
«Blog development» 2
«Article Promo» 1
«Мотивация хабраавтора» 2
15 additional options
«Blog development» 5
«Article Promo» 3
«Habr Author Encouragement» 7
RUB 165,000 before VAT
RUB 198,000 including VAT
13 tariff options
«Communication with the users» 6
«Increased awareness» 4
«Successful blog launch» 3
(services for new customers)
3 months 6 months 12 months
3 mon 6 mon 12 mon
1 additional option
«Blog development» 1
2 additional options
«Blog development» 1
«Habr Author Encouragement» 1
7 additional options
«Blog development» 2
«Article Promo» 2
«Habr Author Encouragement» 3
RUB 110,000 before VAT
RUB 132,000 including VAT
© 2022 – 2025. Made in Habr.