The IT community is a specific world. Habr courses will introduce you to it and help leading it.
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We will teach your employees how to write articles
One in two students has a ready-for-publication article when completing the «Content code» course.
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We will show how to enhance your blog
Content trends change constantly. We analyze Habr and tell what excites the users now.
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We will help in building communication with the community
You will learn how to develop a strategy, work on a content plan and properly promote your Habr blog.
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We will elaborate motivation for your authors
Often, professionals who could become technical authors are afraid to write articles. We help in overcoming this barrier.
Courses and seminars are hosted by the Habr content studio experts. We learned how to make cool content ourselves, now we share our secrets.
30 years
is the combined experience of the Habr content studio experts: we have created projects for almost all leading IT companies.
63 companies
completed our trainings. We trained Dodo, Megafon, UMoney, Gazprombank, NSPK, GetCourse, Deutsche Bank, Badoo, Citymobil, Magnit, Huawei and others.
of customers bought more than one our course. People return to get new knowledge and elevate their Habr blog to a new level.
We teach beginners, and pump up experienced ones.
We have basic programs developed specifically for beginners, and advanced programs for experienced bloggers who want to become experts.
Basic programs
Content marketing basics
Basic programs will help you overcome the fear of a blank sheet, understand what Habr needs, master a good article algorithm, and write your first text.
«How to write on Habr» seminar
Introductory Seminar.
You can easily raise up to 30 technical authors. Students will get a basic understanding of where to get topics and how to motivate themselves, how to design an article, when to publish it, and how to work with an audience afterwards.
Seminar program You can easily raise up to 30 technical authors. Students will get a basic understanding of where to get topics and how to motivate themselves, how to design an article, when to publish it, and how to work with an audience afterwards.
«Content code» course
Extended basic course.
You get up to 20 experienced authors with ready-to-post articles. Deep immersion in the topic: text structure, style and language, work models, Habr users’ interests, cases, insights and Habr analytics.
Course program You get up to 20 experienced authors with ready-to-post articles. Deep immersion in the topic: text structure, style and language, work models, Habr users’ interests, cases, insights and Habr analytics.
Advanced programs
Making great authors out of not-bad ones
Advanced programs are designed for those who have already mastered the basics and can write articles, but want to boost their blog to the top of the rankings and get the maximum attention of the IT audience.
«PRO-blog» seminar
Content studio experts will tell you what to write about and how to do it the best considering the latest trends. Course students will dive into the cases of competing companies, learn the latest Habr trends and understand how the audience has changed and what new formats can be used to promote a blog.
Seminar program «Content code PRO» course
Extended advanced course.
You will get expert authors, who understand how to pick a topic resonating with the target audience, create formats, manage the article life cycle, visualize information, work in collaboration, extract texture from expertise carriers and work constructively with criticism — generally, this is an advanced content marketing course.
Course program You will get expert authors, who understand how to pick a topic resonating with the target audience, create formats, manage the article life cycle, visualize information, work in collaboration, extract texture from expertise carriers and work constructively with criticism — generally, this is an advanced content marketing course.
Brainstorm with Habr experts who will help you master creative topic creation techniques. The authors will learn to think outside the box and see new opportunities of turning their expertise into cool topics.
Brainstorm program Custom webinars meeting your objects
We can customize our programs to meet your company’s needs or develop a fundamentally new Habr course.
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